Tuesday 31 January 2012

Under the surface - part III

Under the surface - part III
Think of this like an iceberg - we can see some of whats there, but aren't sure what size it is underneath!

Following the decision to bring forward the closure of LWW on 22 Dec, our minds turned to what might be there if it was sold and no longer a leisure pool.

We asked to see “all correspondence between CEC and Tesco (or a party acting on Tesco’s behalf) regarding the Leith Waterworld site, either received or sent over the last year (1 December 2010 – 22 December 2010).  We were interested to receive the following response

In this instance, the Council is applying Commercial Interests and the Economy,Section 33 (1) (b) disclosure would (or would be likely to) prejudice substantially the commercial interests of any person or organisations.We believe that it would significantly harm and substantially prejudice the company concerned with regard to any future tenders they pursue"

Not a refusal on the basis that there isn't any correspondence but a refusal that it might prejudice commercial interests - We have, of course requested a review of this, citing public interest, which as the Scottish Information Commissioner notes, over-rides this exemption.

FOI Re Tescos

1 comment:

  1. Fine work Johnny and the rest of the group. Your spirited dedication and hard work is appreciated!
